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Environmental Health & Safety

Laboratory Safety Unit

New Principal Investigators

Principal Investigators are responsible for all activities and personnel who work in their laboratories

This includes:

  • Ensuring all laboratory personnel are adequately trained and are competent to safely perform their duties.
  • Providing correct Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) for all duties performed within their laboratories.
  • Ensuring compliance in their laboratories. EH&S is available as a resource to assist Principal Investigators with safety questions and concerns.

Here you will find the information needed to set up your lab safely and efficiently. There are required documents as well as signage and information about commissioning, waste andlinks to IBC and UCAR if needed. The goal is to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

New PI Welcome Letter

New PI Checklist - This is a document designed to guide you through the process.

U of R Chemical Hygiene Plan - University specific CHP

Annual Safety Training - required to be completed yearly by all PIs, employees and students/visitors

Standard Operating Procedures

Common Documents - print your desired documents and post as required

Door Signage

Equipment Signage

Ethidium Bromide

Eyewash Log

Formaldehyde Warning

Hep B Declination Form

Liquid Nitrogen Storage

Personnel List

Sharps Safety Template


Chematix - Web based program used to track chemicals and inspections

  • Inventory - Directions and information on how to track chemical usage and quantities
  • Inspection - Know what to look for and how to prepare and close out your annual lab safety inspection
  • Hazardous Waste - How to create a tag for pick up, how to get rid of "inherited" chemicals, necessary signage and more.

Commissioning - For when you are ready to begin work in your lab. Find your department on the Lab Safety list and arrange a time with your Lab Safety Specialist

Emergency Response

  • On site (River Campus, Medical Center): Call Public Safety at 275-3333
  • Off site: Call 911

Lab Incident/Event - If someone is hurt or becomes ill please fill out the appropriate online form - Employee incident report form (contact EH&S at 275-3241 for assistance if needed)

If a student (either undergraduate or graduate) or a non-employee position such as a visiting scientist experiences an injury or illness related to their position - please use the link below to access the PDF form to report the incident, as students and non-employees do not have access to the University Employee Injury/Illness Reporting system. Directions on how to submit the form are included on the form.

Decommissioning - You must:

  1. Notify the EH&S Laboratory Safety Unit 4 weeks prior to leaving
  2. Notify the EH&S Radiation Safety Unit 4 weeks prior to leaving if you have a permit
  3. Read and understand the responsibilities of Principal Investigators in the Decommissiong Policy
  4. Contact the EH&S Environmental Compliance Unit to ensure proper chemical disposal, transfer of chemicals or transportation

University Resource Contacts

  • Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC): The University of Rochester's Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is a University-wide committee responsible for reviewing and approving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules and biohazard research projects in fulfillment of its mission. IF YOUR RESEARCH USES DNA, PATHOGENS, OR HUMAN TISSUES/FLUIDS, YOU WILL NEED IBC APPROVAL
  • University Committee on Animal Resources (UCAR): Under regulatory mandates UCAR is charged with the responsibility and authority for oversight of proper care and use of all laboratory animals. As part of meeting this responsibility, the University requires that all laboratory animal use be reviewed and approved by UCAR.
  • EH&S Radiation Safety: Responsible for all activities dealing with radioactive material and radiation producing equipment.
  • EH&S Environmental Compliance: Manage the disposal of all chemical waste and other types of regulated waste with the exception of infectious waste

Contact EH&S at (585) 275-3241 or e-mail Questions.

This page last updated 11/8/2024. Disclaimer.