Environmental Health & Safety
Frequently Asked Questions
Environmental Issues:
Who do I contact if I notice a gas leak from a car?
Who should I contact if I am concerned about the indoor air quality in my office?
Who should I contact if I’m concerned about the noise levels in my workspace?
What should I do if I notice a strong disagreeable odor in my workplace?
Is EH&S the same as Environmental Services?
Where do I get information about fire safety?
Pest Problems:
What do I do if I find a bat inside the building or other animal where it doesn’t belong?
Do you pick up dead animals found on University property and roads?
Why do we have this pest problem (roaches, ants, flies, mice, etc.)?
I work in the hospital. What should be done if a patient or belongings are infested with bugs?
How do I become a Chematix user?
How and when do I have to register with the UR Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)?
The tap water does not seem right. Why does it taste, look or smell funny?
Special Events:
Are there specific requirements to have a tent for a function at the University?
Do I have to use a caterer on the catering list for University sponsored or paid for food events?
When is the approved caterers list changed?
How do I register for any of the Environmental Health & Safety training sessions that are offered?
Workplace Safety:
How do I report a work-related injury or illness?
Should I report a near miss incident?
Who do I contact to assist me if I am uncomfortable while at my workstation?
How often are the fire extinguishers checked to ensure they are still functioning?
Where can I get a sharps container?
Contact EH&S at (585) 275-3241 or e-mail EH&S Questions.
This page last updated 2/23/2017. Disclaimer.