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Environmental Health & Safety

Safety Tips for Dealing with Winter Weather - Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

As Winter weather ramps up, EH&S calls on you to remember safe walking practices. This web page has numerous posters that can be printed out for your Department, digital slides for TV displays, and general Winter weather tips and articles. To summarize safe walking in snow and ice:

  • Use sturdy footwear with textured soles
  • Stay alert and put your phone away
  • Take your time - walk slowly
  • Avoid any spots that look icy
  • Use handrails on stairs
  • Call the snow removal hotline (275-0000) to report hazardous conditions 24/7
    (URMC and RC only)
  • File an employee incident report for any injuries resulting from slips, trips, or falls on UR properties

Contact EH&S at (585) 275-3241 or e-mail EH&S Questions.

This page last updated 12/10/2024. Disclaimer.