Environmental Health & Safety
Laboratory Safety Unit
Laser Safety for Research and Teaching Laboratories
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PDF Version of Research Laser Safety Program
- The Principal Investigator (PI) or Lab Supervisor is responsible for:
- Providing immediate supervision of personnel using lasers in the laboratory.
- Appointing a Laser Safety Officer (LSO) for the day-to-day safe operation of a Class 3B or 4 laser/laser system present in the laboratory. Although the PI or Lab Supervisor is ultimately responsible for safe operation of the laser(s), he/she can delegate the day-to-day operation of the laser(s) to the LSO. Some departments may elect to have a single LSO for their entire department.
- Providing, implementing, and enforcing the safety recommendations and requirements in this program.
- Determining those who are qualified/authorized to use lasers(s) in their locations and having these individuals participate in the University's web-based laser safety training program, or equivalent departmental training, as listed in Section III, and document the training.
- Providing laser users with documented training in the Standard Operating Procedures for lasers in their locations and determining any training required for visitors (non-University personnel, contract personnel, or colleagues). Laser users must sign off on SOP signature page to demonstrate it was read and understood.
- Notifying EH&S and the LSO immediately of an exposure or incident involving any laser.
- Determining the maximum output for any lab manufactured laser and to classify the laser as listed in Section IV and Appendix 6. These lasers must be registered with EH&S using the Laser Registration Form (Appendix 1).
- Properly disposing or transferring lasers after they are no longer under their operation. Contact EH&S for requirements for either disposal or transferring of lasers.
- Complying with University policies and programs; non-compliance will be reported to the appropriate dean for action.
- Laser Safety Officers (LSOs) are responsible for:
- Completing an inventory of Class 3B and 4 lasers in the laboratory. An Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Laser Registration Form, Appendix 1, or equivalent departmental form, is to be used to register all Class 3B and 4lasers. A copy of the completed inventory is to be sent to the EH&S.
- Conducting a Laser Safety Inspection for lasers in their department at least once per year. Appendix 2 provides the information required for the inspection. This form or an equivalent departmental form can be used. Records of the inspections are to be retained in the department. A copy of the inspection is to be sent to EH&S.
- Reporting problems of non-compliance with laser safety to EH&S.
- Notifying EH&S immediately of an exposure, incident or near miss relating to a Class 3B or 4 laser. Completion of the University Employee Incident or Near Miss report is required.
- Verifying that personnel using Class 3B and Class 4 lasers participated in the University's EHS Laser Safety Training through MyPath or an equivalent departmental program initially and then once every 3 years.
- Informing PIs to have their laser users participate in the Laser Medical Surveillance Program, as outlined in Section XII, if required by their department.
- Determining the necessity of access controls (locked doors, laser curtains, etc.).
- Determining the laser protective eyewear (laser rated goggles, laser rated safety glasses that have built in side shields) needed for Class 3B & 4 lasers.
- Laser Users are responsible for:
- Signing and following SOPs while operating lasers.
- Keeping the PI, or the LSO informed of any departures from established safety procedures.
- Attending a session of the University's EHS Laser Safety training or an equivalent departmental program. Retraining will be required for those individuals who are noted by the Laser Safety Officer, the PI or the Lab Supervisor as not following the SOPs.
- Reporting any injury or near miss with a laser using the University's Employee Incident Reporting System.
- Notifying the PI or lab supervisor of an exposure incident and seek medical assistance for injuries from the use of lasers.
- For eye exposures, seek assistance at the University's Flaum Eye Institute (273-EYES / 273-3937).
- For other injuries, seek assistance at University Health Service.
- EH&S's Laser Safety Officer will be responsible for:
- Auditing laser safety inspections to ensure that safety requirements are followed.
- Providing assistance in evaluating and controlling hazards.
- Informing the PI, the lab supervisor and/or the Laser Safety Officer for the laboratory of imminent health and safety concerns so immediate steps can be taken to correct the problem.
- Periodically reviewing and updating the web-based Laser Safety Program.
- Maintaining the laser inventory for Class 3B and 4 lasers at the University (excluding LLE).
- Upon receipt of a laser registration, informing PI of the UR Laser Program and its requirements.
- Participating in accident investigations involving lasers.
- Assisting laboratories in the coordination of medical assistance with University Health Service and the University's Flaum Eye Institute, when needed.
- EH&S recognizes the Laser Safety Program at LLE as equal or superior to the EH&S program. All the listed responsibilities listed for EH&S's Laboratory Safety Unit are accomplished by LLE assigned staff.
- University Health Service and the University's Flaum Eye Institute are responsible for:
- Providing medical assistance for laser injuries.
- Notifying EH&S of the findings of an incident relating to a Class 3B or 4 laser so a root cause analysis can be completed.
- Assisting in the content of a Laser Medical Surveillance Program for those departments requesting such a program.
Continue to the next section - Personnel Training and Qualifications
Contact EH&S at (585) 275-3241 or e-mail Questions.
This page last updated 7/11/2019. Disclaimer.