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Environmental Health & Safety

Hazard Communication Program for Strong Memorial Hospital

Prepared by: Environmental Health & Safety
(Revised 2022)

Printable file is available with Adobe Acrobat Reader: PDF Version of Hazard Communication Program for SMH

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1 - Requirements and Responsibilities
    1. Requirements
    2. Responsibilities
    3. Records
    4. Multi-Employer Workplace
  3. Section 2 - Required Employee Information and Training
    1. Training
    2. Reading and Interpreting SDS and Labels
    3. Limiting Chemical Exposures
  4. Section 3 - Chemicals - Hazards and Emergency Response
    1. Exposure Levels
    2. Medical Consultations and Examinations
    3. Spill Control
    4. Common Chemicals
  5. Closing Comments
  6. Appendices
    1. Chemical Inventory Form
    2. GHS Pictograms

Contact the EH&S Occupational Safety Unit at 275-3241 or e-mail EH&S

This page last updated 10/6/2023. Disclaimer.