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Environmental Health & Safety

Building Contents Fire Prevention

Flooring coverings in student residence facilities should be fire retardant.

Wall and ceiling finishes should be non-combustible.

Carpets should not be used as acoustical materials on corridor walls.

Upholstered furniture in student residence facilities should be made of fire retardant materials and assemblies.

Mattresses are probably the most combustible item provided in student sleeping rooms.  Since most fire deaths in residence occur in sleeping rooms, care should be taken to provide the best mattress (from a fire safety standpoint) possible.

    Neoprene foam inner core is less hazardous than polyurethane inner core.

    Vonar inner liners can be added beneath the vinyl cover to protect the inner core materials from fire exposure.

    Vonar inner liners and other methods are successful at protecting the inner core materials for a period of time.

Draperies, curtains and other free-hanging decorations, particularly those in public spaces, in student residence facilities should be fire retardant.

Covered metal or fire retardant waste and recycling containers should be used in student residence facilities.

Wooden structures (lofts) are not permitted in student residence facilities.

Flammable gases and liquids should not be stored in campus residence facilities without appropriate safeguards.

Contact EH&S at (585) 275-3241 or e-mail EH&S Questions.

This page last updated 10/20/2011. Disclaimer.