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Environmental Health & Safety

BSL 2 Certification / Biosafety Inspection

In order to use biologicals requiring biosafety level 2 (BSL2) or higher containment, the Principal Investigator must register the project with the UR Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and have the lab inspected by Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) for compliance with the UR biosafety requirements. IBC registration and the EH&S safety audit may occur concurrently once the IBC Laboratory Registration document is submitted.

First-time registrants

First time registrants are contacted by either the Biosafety Officer or the IBC Technical Associate to schedule the inspection. The inspection includes an evaluation of the lab’s safety equipment, work practices, signage / labeling, biosafety manual, and safety training records. This inspection is repeated annually.

Principal Investigators with existing IBC approval

The labs of Principal Investigators who are modifying an IBC approval to include agents which require different safety precautions or who are adding / changing the space listed in their IBC Laboratory Registration document must be re-inspected. To schedule this inspection contact the Biosafety Office at x5-2402 or email the IBC Technical Associate (

Preparation for Inspection

Prior to the inspection, the Principal Investigator and lab staff should complete the following:

  1. Review the UR biosafety requirements and BSL2 Inspection Audit Tool
  2. Develop or update the lab's biosafety manual. This manual MUST be specific to the lab's practices and hazards and will be reviewed during the inspection
  3. Ensure that biohazard signage is posted on doors to BSL2 areas and on equipment used to store such materials. These areas must be consistent with the lab’s biosafety manual and with the IBC Laboratory Registration.
  4. Review the lab safety training records
    1. All lab staff including Principal Investigators must complete the EH&S lab safety training (see EHS Lab Safety Training page) annually. This training must be the same for all lab members and must be chosen based on the activities conducted in the lab.
    2. All lab staff must review the biosafety manual and receive information specific to the hazards found in their lab. This training must be documented (see Documentation tool for lab-specific training).

Inspection Process

The inspection begins with a review of the lab’s biosafety manual and the IBC Laboratory Registration, and involves observation and interactive dialog with the Principal Investigator and lab staff. All lab members are encouraged to participate with questions or comments. The inspection concludes with a review of observed deficiencies and a discussion of possible solutions.

Inspection Follow Up

The Biosafety Office sends the Principal Investigator and lab contact a report via email outlining the deficiencies found and resources to aid in their correction. Upon completion of the corrections, the Principal Investigator or lab contact must email the IBC Technical Associate with a summary of the corrective actions and/or an action plan for corrections expecting to take significant resources. EH&S may revisit the lab to ensure compliance and to answer additional questions.

Following the inspection, an updated and newly signed IBC Laboratory Registration must be forwarded to the IBC Technical Associate.

Contact EH&S at (585) 275-3241 or e-mail EH&S Questions.

This page last updated 11/4/2019. Disclaimer.